Paraffin wax
Paraffin wax is a smart solution for many professionals and amateurs. The substance is characterized by good efficiency and reasonable cost.
Paraffin 100%, fully refined, fireproof, in slabs. Ideal for making decorative candles as well as warming paraffin candles. The high melting point and high viscosity give the candle stability in the candle holder. It is very important that the product is refined so that candles made from it can be used indoors.
Application of paraffin
Paraffin wax is universal in its application and is used in many industries. Used in the manufacture of food packaging. Technical paraffin is included in paint and varnish products and shoe care creams. It is also used in the production of wax.
In cosmetics:
- For the production of Vaseline.
- Cosmetic preparations.
- Medical equipment products.
- Paraffin treatment, therapy, masks.
In production:
- Candles for lighting.
- For various wax compositions.
- As a component of greases.
- For the production of synthetic fatty acids.
- Impregnation and coating of flexible food packaging that maintains elasticity at low temperatures.
- As components of alloys for coating wooden, concrete, and metal containers intended for storing food products.
- When mixed with gasoline there is an anti-corrosion coating (flammable!).
In medicine:
- It is used in medical practice due to its physical properties: low thermal conductivity, high heat capacity, latent heat of fusion equal to 35 cal, as well as compression action.
- Widely used to treat neuralgia and neuritis.
- It has a particularly beneficial effect on the skin.
- Under the influence of paraffin treatment, blood and lymph circulation improves, tissue metabolism increases.
- Improving the nutrition and trophism of the skin leads to the fact that it becomes elastic and tender, softens and moisturizes.
Paraffin – where to buy?
Buy fully refined paraffin wax: order on our website or pick it up directly from the warehouse in Riga (by calling in advance so that we can prepare your order). We offer discounts for wholesale buyers, more volume – lower price.
Pay attention to other products: our store offers a wide range of absorbents, chemical raw materials and technical chemicals.