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Coarse-pored silica gel (15 kg)

 127.41 /pc.

Coarse-pored silica gel (15 kg)


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Buy coarse-pore silica gel (15 kg) from ChemLV at a bargain price in Latvia and the European Union

Silica gel is used in everyday life and industry as an adsorbent. It is involved in the purification of industrial oils, oil sludge, air from vapors and gases of various origins. Suitable for container shipping.

Purpose Large-pore silica gel (15 kg) – Chemical vapor absorbent | Solution desiccant | Window fogging agent | Humidity control agent | Component in the production of optical glass

Applied – Chemical Industry | Manufacturing | Household | Laboratory research | Glass industry

Description Large-pore silica gel (15 kg)

Silica gel is vitreous and vitreous–matte grains of oval or spherical shape. They are a dried gel of silicic acid of a porous structure with a highly developed inner surface.

The main application of silica gels is found in the drying of air, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine and other industrial gases.

The ability of silica gel to absorb a significant amount of water is used to dry various liquids. Especially in the case when the dehydrated liquid does not dissolve water well. Drying of halogenated liquids of the freon type. Silica gels also serve as desiccants when preserving equipment to protect it from corrosion.

Along with water, silica gels well absorb vapors of many organic substances. This property is used to capture (recover) vapors of gasoline, benzene, ether, acetone, etc. from air, benzene, from coke oven gases and gasoline from natural gases.

The property of silica gel to absorb many substances from the liquid phase is used in the industrial purification of various oils. During desulfurization of oil pods and removal of highly polymer resinous substances from oil.

Large selection of absorbents, chemical raw materials and technical chemicals.

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Vielas sastāvs



15 kg bag


15 kg


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