Cargo transportation

Cargo transportation

Transportation of dangerous goods. ADR tolerance Class 2-9

Our company has the necessary permits (ADR) for the transportation of dangerous goods by road. We can transport dangerous goods from the 2nd to the 9th hazard class (with the exception of the 7th class). Drivers of our company regularly undergo special training and have the necessary certificates for the transportation of dangerous goods.

Dangerous goods are materials and substances that, due to their properties and characteristics, can pose a threat to human life and health, cause irreparable harm to the environment, lead to damage and destruction of material values.

If you have a need for the transportation of dangerous goods, or you want to get advice on how to transport dangerous goods, please leave a request, call us by phone +371 25 771 311 or write to the mail and our company’s specialists will be happy to help you.

Транспортировка грузов

Our transport

Tankers – Load capacity: up to 27 tons

Scania vehicles with trailer – Load capacity: 9 + 13 tons

Scania vehicles – Load capacity: up to 10 tons

Renault Master minibus with trailer – Load capacity: 1.3 + 1.7 tons

Cargo Hazard Classes (ADR)

– Explosives

– Gases

– Flammable liquids

– Flammable substances and materials

– Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides

– Toxic and infectious substances

– Radioactive substances

– Caustic and corrosive substances

– Other dangerous substances and products

Why is it worth ordering the service Transportation of goods from us?


Product price lower than competitors



and Specialists



For all
our products sold


Individual approach

To each client, assistance in choosing a product


ChemLV Gallery

Any questions?

If you have a question or a situation that requires an immediate solution – order a callback using the callback form below. The manager will contact you shortly and answer all your questions.

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